Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

From the two articles assigned and from personal experience myself, google and technology is affecting our lives in a negative way.  Technology is rapidly improving and becoming more advanced and addictive every day.  Children today growing up in this tech savvy world have no choice but to partake in all of the social media.  Even while doing my homework, social media is always up next to me.  The internet is completely taking over our lives, and in some ways ruining them too.  Yes, I do believe google is making us stupid and shortening our attention span.  My mind always wanders off when I am surfing the internet, and I never end up searching just one thing.  Due to the fact that today people can get information immediately, books are becoming less and less useful.  No one wants to take the time and put in effort to find information, when they can click one button and have the same results.

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