Monday, January 30, 2017

Henry Ford's Revolutionary Impact

Image result for henry ford model t

During the late 1800's and early 1900's, only the rich could afford the luxury of having their modern time automobiles. While the middle class lacked the convenience of transportation, Henry Ford took notice. Coming from a background of a machinist, and operating on steam engines, it gave him the knowledge to create an everyday invention. Even after a full days of work, Ford would spend hours on putting together a gasoline powered horseless carriage. After successfully creating the engine, it further sparked the drive to improve on his prototype. Ford sold what he had to purchase more advanced automobile parts for his next invention and teamed up with the Detroit Automobile Company. The constant need for improvement from Ford grew a frustration with the company. He left Detroit Automobile to establish his own, claiming his name as the title of the company in 1902. After the leave, the first "Ford" car was built with a limited amount of men working on the production of the car. Ford's dedication increased for production, thus wanting a more affordable and reliable car for everyone to drive. The business started to boom when the Model T was put on the market. This automobile by 1918 was half of the American population's cars.  Ford did not care about the money, he wanted to make sure that the workers were being paid properly. He was strongly against the labor force. And with the mass production being so high he brought to light, large production plants, and the moving assembly line. As time went on and more improved motors were established, plants opened around the world, for more production. His vision, and commitment to lower the prices positively impacted the middle class. Reflecting on the years of improvement of motors Ford has created, we would not be where we are now with modern day 2017 cars. He was the first to build a running gasoline motor and pushed for mass production. Ford's Company is one of the top car distributors still till this day. He has revolutionized the American workforce along with automobiles, and for that we should thank him.

The creation of the Model T: Link below

1 comment:

  1. I found this post very interesting. Henry Ford was an extremely successful man and is well known. Henry Ford noticed that the middle class had no form of transportation, so he created the every day invention of a car. He gained more and more success rapidly, and his business truly started to bloom when he put Model T on the market.
