Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Google IS Harming Our Brain

As discussed in the articles assigned to us and the one in the link above, the internet has changed the way we comprehend things; this results in negative changes in our brain. I agree that google causes our concentration to drift, because I find myself getting very fidgety when surfing the web. Having the ability to power-browse and complete research in seconds, causes people to stop reading books traditionally. People have begun to use computers more and more often in society. The more people use computers, they less social interaction the brain receives, which is problematic. I was unaware that the Internet Addiction Disorder existed, but I do believe some people have it due to their impaired judgement. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you kayla, i do feel that google cuases us to become less motivated in learning new things through experience. For example, people now a days would rather google how to fish than go out and learn it by themselves. Google has its advantages and disadvantages, kids in this generation are becoming too smart. When i was 10 i had no idea how to work an iPhone in and out, now a 10 year old can use the highest grade phone with no problem. So yes google is bad in a sense of motivating the individual to go and figure it out for themselves, but it does hold a lot of information useful to those unable to "go out and do it themselves".
