Monday, January 30, 2017

George Washington

George Washington had little experience in being a commanding officer in the military, but his strong leadership and fortitude helped save America by securing victory at Yorktown and independence for our nation. But thats just one great thing he did during his time, George Washington was also one of if not the greatest president America has ever had. Washington valued the people rather than thinking of them as less than himself, Presidential Scholar at Harvard Univeristy one observed Washington and stated," it wasn't his generalship that made him stand out.. It was the way he attended to and stuck by his men. His soldiers knew that he respected and cared for them, and that he would share their severe hardships." That is what made him a revelutionary, not only was he a president who acted like one of the people, but he a great mind with a great ambition to secure liberty and freedom for Americans.

1 comment:

  1. George Washington was definitely, still is, a revolutionary figure. He is dominant in this category. He cared for our country and its people like no other did during this time period.
