Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Effects of the Industrial Revolution on Children and Family

Majority of the talk during the Industrial Revolution was on women in the factories, but I believe the children had it way worse. They worked up to 19 hours a day, with a one hour total break, and for little to no pay. Children were only paid a fraction of what the adults were getting paid and sometimes they would get away with not paying them at all. They also worked with large and heavy equipment which can dangerously harm them with ease. The biggest target for child slave-like labor were orphans. The factory owners justified their absence on the payroll by saying they were giving the orphans food, shelter, and clothing,

1 comment:

  1. Can you imagine being a child during the industrial revolution? i don't know how they did it! The children were bossed around and forced to do all these absurd things and were paid such little money. Children shouldn't even be given that much responsibility at that age! I am thankful child labor laws have been put into place because of these poor kids.
