Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Technology is Killing Empathy...Kind of

I do believe technology is killing empathy, but only to an extent. I think we are having less human to human conversation and that is very alarming. We would rather go on Facebook or Instagram, then have a genuine conversation with a family member, friend, or even someone you meet for the first time. On the other side of the coin and on a personal note, I have one of my best friends that lives in California. The only way we can actually talk to one another is through phone calls and messaging. We have been friends for over six years and actually talk every single day. Without technology, I would never be able to communicate with him on a daily basis. In terms of actual human connections, I do believe technology is harming us in a way. I don't think its killing it completely though.and I do think we all still have a little empathy still left in us somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you showed both sides of this topic. i do agree that technology is taking away personal interactions. however i also agree with the fact that without technology it would be very difficult to communicate and keep up relationships.
