Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Is Technology Destroying Empathy?

The definition of empathy is being able to understand and share other peoples feelings.  Technology is destroying this personal human contact and communication.  All of these technological advances today impact our society greatly.  Our world revolves around technology, and some people do not know any better than to rely on it.  Children today are being handed phones and other electronic devices earlier and earlier each year.  They do not know any better than to use the technology.  It is intimidating that some young children are more advanced then adults when coming to technology.  Technology has ruined the way we think, learn, and act.  I believe technology has had more of a negative impact on us humans today, rather than a positive one.  Without human to human contact and conversation, no one can get a true understanding of how someone is feeling.  A text can be misleading.  Even I have experienced reading a text message one way when the person sending the message meant it to mean a completely different thing.  Even without hearing someones tone of voice or seeing their facial expressions, effects how people get messages or feelings across.


1 comment:

  1. Technology is destroying empathy, people find that it is better to break up over text now days rather than in person. People also get mislead very easily in texts and calls rather than up close and personal.
