Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Totalitarianism and Technology

We usually forget about the dangers of technology, and especially posting on social media on such a constant basis. It can cause real problems such as people trying to find out personal information, or trying to invade your privacy just based on a social media account. Our generation is so addicted to technology and our devices that we totally forget about the harm it brings upon us. We definitely have to be more careful and aware of how we use technology, even if it is so easily accessible.

1 comment:

  1. It is just common nature nowadays to post everything we do. If somebody wanted to get information on a person, all they would is just check the persons social media page and they're in the clear. The biggest problem is when we are away on vacation somewhere and we post pictures about it. This gives potential robbers that may know your address a free pass to come in and take whatever they want
