Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Totalitarianism and Technology

Totalitarianism is the absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution. In terms of technology in the modern time, our cellphones are basically our overlord and ruler. Whenever we go to school, the movies, or to the bars, our phones are always keeping a tight track on our location. Even if we turn our location off on our phones, there are still means of tracking us. We all also put our phones on a higher pedestal than anything else. In some cases in our society today, we consider the love for our phones to be more important and influential then our own friends and families.


  1. Yeah, and we usually forget about the dangers of technology, and especially posting on social media on such a constant basis. Like you said, it can cause real problems such as people trying to find out personal information, or trying to invade your privacy just based on a social media account. We definitely have to be more careful and aware of how we use technology, even if it is so easily accessible.

  2. There are many dangers in technology that people fail to recognize, many hackers or terrorists find easy pathways through online resources. We should really be more safe about our privacy.
